Long Term Goals

Published February 4, 2021

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As I've been following through with my coaching program, I've been forced to (and this is for the better) confront exactly what it is that I want in life.  You see, you read and hear about this all the time - the "gurus" constantly saying: "It all boils down to what you really want in life," but us "everyday Joes/Janes," us "common civilians," which I very much consider myself to be, are rarely able to wrap our heads around this message.  And when we do get little hints and glimpses of insight in its various forms, we often either write it off as insignificant (i.e. "Oh, that's all it is/was?  Anyone could do/make/perform that!") or beyond our scope (i.e. "Oh, I see, I get it now....but I could never do that!").  And then we take these two messages and just keep living our lives mediocrely, just going through the day-to-day to "get by," without actually trying to change anything.

It all starts in the mind.  Mind is the Builder, as the great American psychic Edgar Cayce use to all to frequently say.  The famous oft-quoted Henry Ford quote also comes to mind: Whether you think you CAN or you think you CAN'T, you are right!  This is the same for both long and short term goals, but it is the long term goals I want to focus on now.  You see, I was raised by a very visionary father.  He was (well "is," I should say - he is still alive) the kind of guy who lived in and for the future.  He planned his life, his projects, his next moves, his states of being, years ahead into the future.  Then, he said the "boring part" was just living out his life following the plan to reach the future goal.  He said since he had already "built it/done it in his mind, the boring part of watching it come to fruition in the physical world was all that lay ahead." He was amazingly good at it, and made it look so easy, that I suppose, as a child being raised by such a man, it just naturally became second-nature for me to pick up these kinds of habits as well.  People always laughed at me, however, so I gave it up as a young adult.

As a young adult with people always laughing at me, I figured that these "masses of people who laughed at this" must have some better way of doing things.  After all, more people seemed to laugh at my lists of goals and execution plans that I was constantly working on than not.  As time wore on, however, I found that this large category of haters did NOT actually have a better way of doing things.  Many in this category WERE able to reach some short term goals by throwing things quickly together at the 11th hour (it is still a miracle to me how they do it!), but long term goals for life - a life plan for years and even decades to come - were simply out of the question.  They would say on the surface that they preferred it that way.

Each to their own, I figure, but after a good decade and a half of trying that out, I give up!  I just don't get it!  And I am inclined to reach back to my childhood ways of planning for tomorrow.  With that said, though, after 15 years of operating under the other veil (i.e. no long term plans), it is not easy to just "get everything back on the old track" right away!

But right now I've started to get real; to really focus on what the goals, mission, and vision of Andreas Philip Gross Enterprises are.

I leave you with my latest business card design today (below).  Take a look.  The design is perfectly customizable for YOU!

Yes, this is an affiliate link! I will make money if you click on this link and make a purchase from the site, Zazzle, to which you are directed. If I don't make money, something is wrong and I will contact Zazzle and look into this to rectify the problem.

This card could look like....

(Example of the Front)

(Example of the Back)